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A birthmark is a localized skin anomaly that varies in color, texture, or both compared to the surrounding skin. Birthmarks can appear on any part of the body and are usually present at or soon after birth. Most birthmarks are benign but should be monitored, especially in infants, as certain types may indicate underlying medical conditions. Birthmarks can sometimes lead to concerns about appearance in adults, particularly if they are large or prominent. At Cosmedica Dermatology, located in Washington, D.C., our team offers comprehensive birthmark assessments for both infants and adults, including specialized birthmark removal treatments.

Treatment for birthmarks depends on the type, size, location, and symptoms associated with the mark. After a thorough examination, we will discuss various treatment options, such as:

  • Laser therapy: This is commonly used for pigmented birthmarks, like port-wine stains and café-au-lait spots. Laser therapy helps in reducing pigmentation and making the birthmark less visible.

Identifying the type of birthmark is crucial to determining the appropriate care or treatment. Below are some of the most common birthmark types:

  • Café-au-lait spot (macule): A flat, dark area of skin, often seen on the buttocks or other parts of the body. These spots usually persist without fading.

  • Deep hemangioma (cavernous infantile hemangioma): This is a warm, firm lump that forms under the skin and can grow rapidly during the first year of life. Deep hemangiomas often resolve on their own over 5 – 10 years, though they may leave residual scarring.

  • Mole (congenital melanocytic nevus): A brown, raised birthmark that can appear anywhere on the skin. Moles usually remain stable throughout life and do not typically fade on their own.

  • Mongolian spot (dermal melanocytosis): Commonly seen in babies of Asian descent, Mongolian spots are bluish marks resembling bruises, most frequently found on the buttocks or lower back. These spots typically fade within the first few years of life.

  • Nevus sebaceous (organoid hamartoma): A raised, hairless patch that usually appears on the face or scalp. These marks do not fade over time and may change in appearance during adolescence.

  • Port-wine stain (nevus flammeus): This type of birthmark appears as a red, pink, or purple patch that typically forms on the face but may develop anywhere on the body. Port-wine stains are permanent and may darken or enlarge without treatment.

  • Salmon patch (nevus simplex): Also known as a "stork bite" or "angel's kiss," these flat, pink, or red areas usually appear on the face or neck. Salmon patches often fade naturally within a few years.

  • Strawberry hemangioma (superficial infantile hemangioma): This bright red, firm birthmark usually appears on the head or neck. Strawberry hemangiomas tend to grow for the first 4 – 6 months before shrinking and fading over time, usually disappearing by age ten.

  • White spot (hypopigmented macule): These lighter-colored patches can be flat or raised and often disappear on their own over time.

The best Dermatologist I have ever had - Dr. Hogan is attentive, personable, and clinically excellent. She is so easy to talk to, it feels like you are talking to a friend who so happens to be an amazing Dermatologist. I followed her from her previous place of work to GW and would do the same again! Can’t recommend her enough.

J.M. Healthgrades


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If you have concerns about a birthmark — whether it's for an infant needing an initial evaluation or for an adult considering removal — Cosmedica Dermatology is here to help. Our dermatology team provides consultations to assess birthmarks and determine the best treatment path based on individual needs. Contact Cosmedica Dermatology in Washington, D.C. to schedule your consultation. Learn more about available options for birthmark evaluation and removal.

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