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Skin Growths

When examining your skin, you may notice small lesions or areas that appear different from the surrounding skin. These are known as skin growths, which can develop anywhere on the face and body. The most common types of skin growths include moles, skin tags, and warts. Moles, for example, are pigmented clusters of skin cells that are generally harmless but can sometimes develop atypical features, increasing the risk of skin cancer. Skin tags are small, soft growths often found in areas of skin friction, like the neck, armpits, and groin.

While many skin growths are benign, some lesions may change over time, which can indicate a risk of cancerous transformation. It is essential to monitor growths for any unusual changes, especially with moles that can develop into melanoma. If a lesion appears concerning or is causing irritation or discomfort, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist for further evaluation. For patients in the Washington, D.C. area, Cosmedica Dermatology offers comprehensive assessments of skin growths and can determine if a biopsy is necessary.


Treatment of skin growths depends on the lesion's type, size, location, and associated risk factors. We may recommend a surgical excision, which involves removing the lesion and some surrounding tissue to ensure complete removal, especially if the growth is suspected to be precancerous or cancerous. This method is often used for moles, atypical moles, and cysts. After removal, sutures may be used to close the incision, and a healing ointment is applied to aid in recovery. Healing typically occurs within 1 – 2 weeks, depending on the size and depth of the excision.

For more superficial skin growths, such as raised moles or skin tags, a shave excision may be performed using a surgical blade to carefully remove the growth. We might also use other methods, such as laser treatments, to reduce pigmentation or minimize the appearance of specific lesions or topical creams to treat conditions, like warts. The chosen treatment approach will depend on the characteristics of the skin growth and the patient's preferences.

It is crucial to monitor any changes in your skin for signs of atypical or potentially dangerous growths. Our team encourages patients to use the ABCDE criteria to assess moles and skin lesions for any characteristics that might indicate skin cancer:

  • Asymmetry: If one half of the mole does not match the other half, this could be a cause for concern.
  • Borders: Irregular, blurred, or scalloped edges may be a sign of atypical cells.
  • Color: A mole that changes color or contains multiple shades (such as tan, brown, black, or even red or blue) can indicate abnormal growth.
  • Diameter: Moles larger than six millimeters (about the size of a pencil eraser) should be evaluated.
  • Evolving: Any changes in the size, shape, color, or symptoms of a mole (such as itching or bleeding) should prompt a dermatological evaluation.

Regular self-examinations and dermatological checkups can help in early skin cancer detection, improving outcomes and treatment success.


The best Dermatologist I have ever had - Dr. Hogan is attentive, personable, and clinically excellent. She is so easy to talk to, it feels like you are talking to a friend who so happens to be an amazing Dermatologist. I followed her from her previous place of work to GW and would do the same again! Can’t recommend her enough.

J.M. Healthgrades


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Many adults have one or more skin growths that they would like to have removed, whether for cosmetic reasons or because they cause physical discomfort. While most skin growths are benign and do not require medical treatment, it is important to monitor for symptoms, like bleeding, itching, or inflammation, which can indicate a potential issue. If you have concerns about a growth, consulting a professional can provide clarity and appropriate treatment options.

At Cosmedica Dermatology in Washington, D.C., our team offers a thorough assessment of skin lesions and discusses the best removal methods based on your unique needs. Whether you are looking to address an atypical mole or an unwanted skin tag, you can trust the expertise of a seasoned dermatologist for safe and effective care. Contact Cosmedica Dermatology today to schedule your consultation and learn more about the available treatment options for skin growths.

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